Procedures for Installing Solar




  • Submit PSC form 6027 & 6029 to utilities, Dawn Gall at along with CAD and insurance documentation


  • Obtain Wisconsin Uniform Building Permit Application – Click Here


  • Receive approval from utilities via email for PSC 6027 & 6029


  • Contact Building & Zoning when ready and an inspector will go into the field and bring the paperwork back to the office


  • Call Electric Utilities at 262-723-3138 to have service disconnected, if needed, and to install a new, bi-directional meter


  • The Building Inspector will inspect


  • Call Electric Utilities at 262-723-3138 to re-connect


** City of Elkhorn follows Alliant Service and Equipment Rules **



  1. Is the residential limit size for solar systems still 20 kW?  Yes
  2. Is the commercial limit size for solar systems still 40 kW?  No
  3. Is there an interconnection application fee?  No
  4. Is the best way to submit interconnection applications still via email?  Yes 
  5. What is the best email/contact to send these applications to?
  6. Is the overproduction payout still “single rate retail annual forced payout”?  Yes, 100%
  7. Is there currently an incentive/rebate program?  No
  8. Do you use net meters or production meters?  Bi-directional meter, AMI
  9. Is your interconnection type load side or line side?  Load side
  10. Is the conductor from the transformer maintained by Elkhorn Light & Water or the homeowner?  Elkhorn Light & Water
  11. How far in advance should we be scheduling these disconnects/reconnects?  2 weeks
  12. What is the maximum number of disconnects we are able to schedule in a single day?  1
  13. Is an electrical inspection required before reconnecting?  Yes
  14. What are the earliest and latest times we are able to schedule a disconnect?  7:00 am – 3:00 pm